Welcome to Grand Jury service in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi. You have been summoned to appear for Grand Jury Impanelment. These instructions are provided to answer questions frequently asked by jurors.
REPORTING FOR DUTY - It is important that you follow the instructions on your "Notice to Report". Jury duty commences early and it is critical that you report on time. In most cases you will be asked to check-in at 8:00 a.m. You should allow a full day (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) for jury service.
If you are selected to serve on this Grand jury panel, you will serve approximately one to three days every month for an eighteen (18) month period.
LOCATION - Your ""Notice to Report"" will advise you to report to Jackson. Your Notice should also specify what courtroom you are to report to.
PARKING - Please refer to the court location. The Court is not responsible for any parking violations.
PAYMENT OF ATTENDANCE FEES AND TRANSPORTATION COSTS - Attendance fees, mileage, and other transportation costs are paid by check and mailed to your home address. Compensation for jury service is issued the beginning of each month to cover service for the previous month.
(1) Attendance Fees - A $50.00 attendance fee is paid for each day you are required to report for duty, whether or not you are selected to serve. The $50.00 attendance fee must be reported as income for tax purposes. You must keep a record of the amounts you receive as no tax has been withheld and no W-2 forms are furnished. However, you do not need to report travel allowance as income. 1099 forms are furnished only to those juror who receive $600.00 or more for attendance in a calendar year and are mailed in January of the year following jury service.
(2) Transportation Costs - You will be reimbursed per mile round trip from your home for travel expenses.
EXCUSES - We recognize that occasionally circumstances exist when persons cannot serve. All excuses must be submitted in writing prior to your scheduled appearance day. Please include the following information in your letter: the nature of the hardship and, if the excuse is for medical reasons, a note from your doctor must be included. Address your correspondence to the address contained on your ""Notice to Report"".
Jurors who fail to report for jury service without an approved excuse may be served by the United States Marshal with an order directing them to appear before a judge to show cause why they should not be held in contempt of the Jury Service and Selection Act. If found in contempt, jurors may be fined $1000.00, imprisonment not more than three days, or both.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER OR EMPLOYMENT - Any such changes should be reported to the Jury Department immediately at the phone numbers below.
ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATES FOR EMPLOYER - You will be given a certificate of attendance showing the dates you served. Your employment is protected by law while you are serving as a juror. If you should have a problem with your employer in connection with your jury service, please contact the Court immediately. If you have additional questions in connection with your service, feel free to contact the Jury Department in Jackson at (601) 608-4080.